I’m “Fine”

I sustained my concussion on January 20, 2019. I had just left Sunday mass and was on my way to the gym. The entire week leading up to that day, Northeastern Ohio had seen one of the worst snowstorms of 2019.

When I left church, there was a break in the clouds and the sun appeared. It seemed to be ok driving weather as for the most part the roads were clear. As I was driving on the highway, I slid over a patch of ice and was tossed in front of a semi truck. The semi t-boned the passenger side of my Jeep Wrangler. As the Jeep spun around in circles I thought to myself “THIS IS IT”. This is how the movie of my life is ending.” My entire life flashed before me. Thoughts ran through my mind of all the things I wanted to do and never got a chance to do. I remember shouting “God, NO. Dad, Lindsay.” I started repeating the names of family members who I did not want to leave behind especially based off the relationship we had.

Both air bags had deployed and when the Jeep came to a halt, I flung my seat belt off and hurried out of the car. I was fearful it would blow up based on the impact. A man in a pick up truck had pulled over to the side of the road. He rolled down his window and motioned for me to get in his vehicle. My initial thought was “Stranger Danger”. My next thought was “I have nowhere to go and it is 20 degrees and I am freezing.” I hopped in the pick up truck. The man told me he had called 911 for assistance and wanted me to stay with him until EMS arrived. Shaken up by the event that had transpired, tears started to stream down my face. “OMG I’m fine” “I can’t believe I am ok” I shouted as I started to touch my legs, arms and head. All my body part were intact and functioning.The man went on to tell me a story about how his daughter had died a few years prior in a car accident which is why he stopped. He could not drive by without helping me. I thought I was fine because I didn’t have a broken bone. I was able to walk and talk, it was a miracle really. I was alive even though I thought I had died. It was surreal. Thank you Jesus!

Even though I was reluctant to go, I was transported to the ER by EMS as a precaution. I had chest pain from the brace of the seatbelt. That seatbelt hugged me so tight it ripped my winter down jacket.

The medical staff took chest X-rays which came back clear. A CT scan of my skull was also performed. This scan was taken to rule out a potential brain bleed or skull fracture. CT scan came back clear therefore I thought that meant I was fine.

As days went on, I did not realize it at the time but concussion symptoms started to appear and I began to feel worse and worse each day.

At the time I did not realize what I was experiencing were signs and symptoms of a concussion because I looked fine.


Riding the Concussion Wave Week 1 [Do Not] Push Through


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